Journal Entry 2

Date: 8.3. 2023

Activity: Upgraded my original one page design of one level of a platform game. (Original is set as cover image of this project) Main focus was on making the design more readable and to add better descriptions to general things like player HP and combat mechanics.

Notes: I think I spent too much time on this upgrade where I basically just make everything look a little better and use the empty space on paper that was on the last design. But I feel like this version is a lot more interesting to look at and even covers more information concerning which jumps are hard, what is visible and so on. The biggest advantage of the newer version is the little rectangle which tells just how much does the player actually see.

Invested hours:  Original design - 3 hours

                                      Remaking whole design with better knowledge - 3 hours

Outcome: Upgraded one-page design scaled to be printed exactly on a paper.


One page design v2.png 930 kB
Mar 08, 2023

Get Project A


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Good job :) I see you have already implemented some changes. Though it would be nice to see the first journal entry. 

For the ODD - I like the updates you have made, however this has made some of the text nigh illegible. And while I understand that it is probably somewhat ok on paper, the difference between font size is somewhat baffling. To better use the space, you could try separating the level map, since as is, the map is somewhat small and unreadable compared to the legend (take tourist maps for example, though there the legend is too small for our format).

The player combat icon... Is it necessary? We already know there are enemies there and in plenty of cases it seems the player should be able to skip the enemy without much trouble.

I like how you highlighted the paths, though what does the circle mean?

Don't repeat information without adding something new. You have the camera view twice there. And not once is it superimposed over the level map to really get the feel for it.

For the invisible button. It feels a bit confusing since it's the only one. Maybe having it appear after it's pushed, so the player knows "aha, there was an invisible button" and not just "oh, ok, now you are just throwing balls at me whenever".

Overall, I like it. The boss might be an overkill when it comes to the overall scope of this work, but otherwise it works pretty well!