Devlog 1.1 - Game Design

RPGShapes is a simplistic RPG with different shapes fighting to survive. 

Main hooks of the game are: juiciness, gameplay variability, simple story

Possible ideas:

-Player is some shape - decides special skills

-Has guns based on choice and upgrades

-Has level which increases by killing enemies and completing quests

-On level up the player can choose which stat to increase

-Walking through the world and encountering other shapes

-Some are NPCs which give quests

-Some are enemies which can be killed

-Enemies do different things based on their shape

-There is a shop with upgrades

-Currency is gained via quests or dropped from enemies

-Quests can give special weapons or shapes

-Many quests can be active at once

-Weapons can be combined to achieve special gameplay

-Environmental options -> traps and interactables

-Possible roguelike game mode with things unlocked in campaign

Main game loop:

Player is exploring the open world (fairly linear) 

                -> Meets an NPC -> conversation ->quest given -> back to exploring

               -> meets enemies -> combat -> back to exploring

               -> completes quest -> gets reward (currency/weapon/shape)

              -> finds shop -> spends currency on new upgrades

Requirements meeting (which and how):

R1) - game will be playable on both android and windows -> simple enough controls

R2) - action-like music in combat, chill music while exploring and sound effects like gunshots

R3) - hopefully the optimization will be satisfactory

R4) - Adaptive UI will be implemented and will contain things like leveling, main menu with mode selection, inventory with guns and shapes

R5) - UI Toolkit and DOTween will definitely be used

R6) - Editor Extensions will be used, since a fairly large world of RPG is required

R7) - Game controls will be implemented with new input system

R8) - I will try to figure URP out

C1) - From the idea of this easy shape-based RPG, it should be pretty sophisticated 2D game. The extensive use of tweening is accounted with.

C3) - For the best experience from action-like gameplay, animations are expected to be widely used

A1) - Save/Load is a must for a game of this genre

A7) - Split screen local multiplayer sounds like a nice addition to the game (in special rogue-like game mode)

A12) - Game Settings UI should work nice with what the goal is (graphical settings will probably be useless)

A14) - Some abilities might work with time

A17) - Since there will be a simple story and dialogues -> localization would make sense

A18) - Difficulty setting -> it should be easy to adjust stats of enemies based on a setting (might be a gameplay feature in the rogue-like game mode)

EDIT 9.11.:

Topic scale down

- Rogue-like mode will not happen.

- Weapons will not combine to get special effects

- Shapes won't be a thing  - the player is a single shape and has no special abilities

- Story will be very simple - no insane lore (this will be more of a demo of a possible game in the future)

- The map and level design will be a demo - nothing too large, only an example of what is possible -> more levels possible via Editor extension

R6 - Editor extension will be made for world and level building.

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