Journal Entry 1

Date: 15.2. 2023
Activity: Downloaded Unity and everything necessary for developing simple games with it. Then I learned absolute basics of Unity through creating a simple micro-2Dplatform game following tutorials.

Notes: I worked with unity for the very first time and I was pleasingly surprised how intuitive it is. I don't like how some changes have influence on game view but not scene view. I wasn't able to change the text alignment in pause menus, changes don't seem to save (I wasn't in play mode). Color changes through special materials feel weird. I don't understand why I cant rotate anything by bigger margin then 60 degrees or so.

Invested hours: Installations: 1 hour

                                    Tutorials: 2,5 hours

Outcome: Build of the platform game - uploaded to the page as a .zip file

Feedback: I am glad to start working with Unity, following the tutorials feels very intuitive and easy so far. That's good.

Files 27 MB
Feb 15, 2023

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